2010 Merry
a wonderful year 2010 was at Renaissance Vizslas. We would
first like to thank all our puppy buyers who provide
such loving homes for our puppies. We enjoy hearing
from you throughout the year so keep those cards and
photos coming!
We would also like
to congratulate all those who competed with their
dogs in 2010. Congratulations to NEW Title
Holders -
Ch Renaissance Better Than Money JH
Ch Renaissance Go For The Gold JH
Ch Renaissance King Of Hearts
Ch Renaissance Loroka Dancing For Joy
Ch Renaissance Loroka What Spending Limit JH
And a HUGE Congratulations to Greg and Dennise
Dutson with Mojo, GCh Renaissance Kiss's Casanova
and Susan DellaPenta with Noble, GCh Renaissance Noble Tradition
who both finished 2010 among the Top Twenty Vizslas
in America!!
We are THRILLED that
our girl, "FLIRT", BIS BISS GCH
Renaissance Girls Gone Wild not only broke the
record for the number of Specialty Best in Show
wins, but finished 2010 as America's NUMBER ONE
Vizsla for the second year in a row. She will
retire from the show ring and start a new adventure
producing tomorrow's stars!!
This would not have
been possible without the dedication and expert care
and handling from our friend and handler, Linda Clark.
She has made our dream a reality and we will NEVER
FORGET what she has done for us.
WHAT a ride!!
December 9 through 11 - Lone Star State Classic in
Dallas, TX
Renaissance Here For Th' Party, went Winners Bitch
and Best of Winners two of the three days under Mary
Ann Alston and Lamar Mathis for her SECOND major!!
Saturday, she went Reserve! I'm OK with THAT!!
cousin Flirt won the breed all three days and
took a big Group Three under Mary Ann Alston!!
This was Flirt's last weekend at the shows! It
was a GREAT weekend!!!!
December 4 - AKC Eukanuba National Championships in
Long Beach, CA
Flirt won BEST OF BREED under judge Mr. Carlos
Navarro. Not only that but the Konner kid Baci,
GCh Jen's Penny Matra Baci's Boogie Fever went Best
of Opposite Sex. WOW!! Congratulations
to owners Marni Stratford and breeder Nancy

2010 Time
for Nationals!
September 25 - Vizsla Club of America National
Specialty in Oconomowoc, WI
Flirt was selected for the First Award of Merit
at this year's National Specialty.
Renaissance Timeless Beauty at Fire Mtn, tooked a
third place in a HUGE 6 - 9 months puppy bitch
class. CONGRATS to owners Kimberly Day and
Kathy Hudson.

2010 Happy
4th of July!!
July 1
through 4 - Oklahoma City Summer Classic in
Oklahoma City, OK

2010 Summer
is HERE!!
June 27
- Iowa City, Iowa
Ch Renaissance King Of Hearts, wins the breed both
days and takes a Group Four under breeder-judge Mrs.
Sylvia Kerr.
YEAH Seeker and congrats to owner Royce Massanelli.
June 24
through 27 - Valparaiso, IN
Flirt had another FANTASTIC weekend WINNING
Best of Breed ALL four days and took a Group Three under Mrs.
Judy Webb in a VERY
competitive Sporting Group. YAHOOOOOO!!!!
17, 18 and 19 -
Miami Valley Vizsla Club Supported entry in Troy, OH
won Best of Breed under judges
Mr. Lester Mapes and Mrs. Paula Nykiel!! She then moved on to
take a Group Three in a very competitive Sporting Group under Mrs.
Paula Nykiel!
GO Flirt!!
Miami Valley Vizsla Club specialty in Troy, OH
took Best of Opposite Sex from
a large group of beautiful Vizslas under judge Mrs.
Judy Goodin.
June 4
through 11
- What another FABULOUS weekend for the Renaissance
Konner's kids do GREAT!!!
Pasadena Kennel Club in Pasadena, CA
Battue, 2x BISS Ch Russet Leather Hunter's
Dance MH won the Southern California Vizsla Club
specialty and took a Group 2 under Helen Lee James
and a Group 4 under William Russell.
Ashville-Greenville Kennel Club in Ashville, NC
Ace, Ch Boshar's Ace's High at
Daisymae, earned his championship title in style
with another major win!! Papa Konner is VERY PROUD
and we congratulation owner-handlers Jeremy and
Ashley Watkins. CONGRATS!!!!

Ch Boshar's Ace's High at Daisymae
Skyline Dog Fanciers of San Mateo County in Vallejo,
Ch Jen's Penny Matra Baci's Boogie Fever, Baci, went
Best of Breed Thursday and Friday under judge Mr.
Richard Beauchamp. Congrats to owner Statford
Marnie! and breeder Nancy Gaurascio!!
Gateway Sporting Dog Assn. in Gray Summit, MO
Seasyde Dobe's Den Watch Me Score, won Puppy BEST IN
SHOW under Mr. Robert Indeglia. YEAH!!!
CONGRATS to all the dogs, their owners and

Happy Mother's Day!
May 24, 25 and 26 - What an AWESOME WEEKEND!!!
Twin Cities Vizsla Club Specialty
Flirt WON
the specialty to TIE the bitch record for specialty
wins at 10! Later that day, she won the group
and went BEST IN SHOW!! YAHOOOOO!!!!!!!
She won the breed on Sunday and also won the
Sporting Group.

CH Renaissance Loroka Dancing For Joy finished her
CH title going Winners Bitch Saturday and Sunday for
two majors and her title. Joy finished
completely from the BBE class! YEAH Joy!!
May 15 and 17 - Another GREAT WEEKEND!!!
Kennel Club of Olathe, KS in Gardner, KS
Flirt took a
Group Three under Mr. Michael Faulkner. GO
Vizsla Club Specialty
WINS the specialty under Dr. Ronald Spritzer
1 through 3 - Dairyland Cluster in Jefferson, WI
won the breed all three days and added another
Specialty win to her record. YIPPEE!!

APRIL 2010 Redbuds are bloomin' in
April 24 and 25
April 19 - Mason & Dixon Kennel Club in Harrisburg,
Renaissance Return Again, debut in the ring as a 6
month old puppy. He had a great time and went
Reserve Winners Dog. CONGRATS to Bentley and
his owner Alan Robinson!!
April 15 thru 18 - Peach Blossom Cluster in Perry,
Flirt wins the breed and takes a Group Two.
April 9 thru 11
Sunflower Cluster in Valley Center, KS
Best of Winners for her first two points under judge
Mr. Elliot Weiss. YEAH!! In the Vizsla
ring, Cash was WD on Friday and Sunday.
His cousin Joy went WB/BOW/BOB all three days
for three more points. CONGRATS to owner Kathy
Lormis!! We had a GREAT weekend.
San Jacinto KC in Crosby, TX
the breed both days and takes a Group Four under Dr.
Steve Keating. GO FLIRT GO!!
NEWS from the Konner Kids
In California, Baci, CH Jen's Penny
Boogie Fever not only won the breed but WON the
Sporting Group under Mr. Glendinning and took a
Group Three under Ken Buxton. He is doing AWESOME
and we are very proud of him. Congratulations to
his breeder, Nancy Guarascio, and owners...
April 3 and 4 - Clinton Iowa KC in DeWitt, IA
the breed both days and takes a Group Two under Judy
Webb. Flirt is doing GREAT!!

Is it SPRING yet!
March 20 - Kentuckian Cluster in Louisville, KY
WHAT A WEEKEND!! Cash went WD for his
first major!!! ...and Joy went WB for
her first major too!! Thank you judge Mrs.
Gloria Geringer!! CONGRATS to owner Kathy
March 5 thru 7 - Gateway Vizsla Club Specialty
WINS the
Gateway Vizsla Club Specialty under the expert
guidance of her handler, Linda Clark. She also
won the breed on Sunday and took a
Group Two. Thank you Linda for a great

Happy Valentine's Day!
February 24 thru 28 - International Kennel Club
shows in Chicago, IL
breed two days and her baby half-brother
Renaissance King Of Hearts, wins Winners Dog on
Saturday and Reserve WD on Sunday.
February 20 and 21 - Kennel Club in Camden, AR
wins Best of Breed both days and takes
Sporting Group Two's under judges Judy Goodin and
J.D. Jones.
February 15 - Westminster Kennel Club in NEW YORK
took an AWARD OF MERIT. She looked AWESOME!! YAHOOO!!
February 13 - Long Island Vizsla Club of New York
Flirt went Best of Opposite Sex under judge Mrs.
Judy Harrington.

Happy New Year!
January 17 - Puyallup Kennel Club in Puyallup, WA
Renaissance Go For The Gold, went Winners Bitch
under Ken Murray for her first two points.
CONGRATS to Jenny Moffit. AND....Mojo, CH
Renaissance Kiss's Casanova started his baby
special's career out with a BANG - winning the
breed, owner-handled. GO KIDS GO!!!!!
January 14 - Tampa Bay Vizsla Club Specialty
Flirt WINS the
Tampa Ban Vizsla Club Specialty under the expert
guidance of her handler, Linda Clark and later took
a Group Two under Dorothy Macdonald. Thank you Linda for a great
start to 2010!!!

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Dogs] [Puppies]
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