HELLO 2016!
was#1 Top Producing Sire for 2015 with 15 champions!
Smooch finished 2015 as the #5 Vizsla All-Systems
and #2 in Grand Championship standings;
Tambo is the #15 Vizsla Breed and #19 in Grand
Championship rankings;
and Mojo is the #13 Vizsla in All-Breed points!
Cruise finished #1 Vizsla in Puppy, Junior, and Adult
rankings in both Breed and Gundog standings in
Mexico and was award Top Gundog in 2015! He is the FIRST Vizsla to be ranked #1
in all age divisions in the same year.
Falco is#1 Vizsla in Breed and #2 Gundog standings
in Brazil!
did amazing in South America garnering the following
honors -
Jr Chilean Champion, Jr Ch Copa Los Andes, Jr
Vencedor de Americas y el Carribe, and Junior Winner
of the Americas/Carribe with 2 Group 1s, 2 Group 2s,
Best of the Best in the Americas and the Carribean
and an Adult Group Four.

We are SO
VERY PROUD of all our dogs and CONGRATS to all their
What an
amazing year 2015 was for Team Renaissance. We would
first like to thank all our puppy buyers who provide
such loving homes for our puppies. We enjoy hearing
from you throughout the year so keep those cards and
photos coming!
We would also like
to congratulate all those who competed with their
dogs in 2015. This year was another successful
year for Renaissance as TWELVE dogs we bred
earned new titles including #1 Vizsla in Mexico, #1
Vizsla in Brazil, #5 Vizsla in America, a multiple Group Winner in
Brazil, a Group Winner in Chile, and multiple
champions and specialty winners!
THANK YOU to the following Konner kids who finished their championship titles
this year giving Konner 15 CHAMPIONS
in 2015!!! So proud of
the Konner kids!!
Ch Renaissance Michaels' Murphy
- Murphy
Ch Renaissance Paint Th' Town Red - Scarlett
Ch Renaissance Pardon Me I'm Purrfect -
Envy, Specialty
WB, Sweeps and Puppy Group Winner
Ch Renaissance Sheza Purrfect Pistol - Remy, Specialty WB
Ch Renaissance Th' Road Less Traveled - Journey,
Jr. Chilean
Ch Renaissance Walking Th' Red Carpet - Sable, Puppy Best
in Show Winner
Ch Russet Leather Stormwinds Kizmar Duel In The Sun
- Bullet
Ch Russet Leather Stormwinds Lightening Strikes
- Sparks
Ch Russet Leather Stormwinds Kizmar High Noon
- Luke, Specialty Best in Sweepstakes
Ch Stormwinds Kizmar Lips Like Sugar - Sugar
Ch Suzu N Shannon's Bosa Nova
- Sophie
Ch Suzu N Shannon's Cha-Cha-Cha
- Cha Cha
Ch Suzu N Shannon's Dancing On A Cloud -
Zack, National Best Futurity Puppy Dog
Ch Suzu N Shannon's Evgenis Waltz For Wallis
- Wallis
Ch Wetherbee's One Time Only JH
- Quinn, National Specialty Best of
Congratulations to our NEW Title
Holders -
Renaissance Four On The Floor - Coupe
Ch Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin - London
Ch Renaissance Michaels' Murphy - Murphy
Ch Renaissance Paint Th' Town Red - Scarlett
Ch Renaissance Pardon Me I'm Purrfect -
Envy, Specialty
WB, Sweeps and Puppy Group Winner
Ch Renaissance Sheza Purrfect Pistol - Remy, Specialty WB
Ch Renaissance Th' Road Less Traveled - Journey,
Group Winner & Jr. Chilean
Ch Renaissance Walking Th' Red Carpet - Sable, Puppy Best
in Show Winner
GCH Renaissance Never A Dull Moment -
Kaos - NEW advanced Barn Hunt title
Renaissance Hittin' The Bricks
CD - Brick - NEW Companion Dog title
Renaissance Dancin'
The Night Away NA NAJ OA OAJ - Tango - NEW
Barn Hunt titles
NEW Jr. Mexican and Pan American CH - CH
Renaissance Night On Th' Town - Cruise
#1 Vizsla, #1 Gundog - Puppy, Junior, and Adult
in Mexico
Chilean and Pan American CH - CH Renaissance Th'
Road Less Traveled - Journey
BEST IN SHOW winner - BIS RBIS Brz/Pan
Am/Am/Can CH Renaissance Out With Th' Ladies -
All this would not have
been possible without the dedication of all our
puppy buyers. We thank you all for making our
a ride!!
FLASH ** Renaissance
Vizslas have bred FOURTEEN different Group Winners in
SIX different countries, including the US of A.
The group winners are - Rosita, Holly, and Cruise in
Mexico; Konner in Canada; Teddy in New Zealand, Falco in Brazil; and
Journey in Chile!! Group winners in America
include Konner, Faith, Flirt, Rosita, Mojo, Rugby,
and Smooch!
2016 Merry
December 3
and 4
- Conroe Kennel Club in Conroe,

2016 Turkey
November 17 through 20 - Oklahoma Circuit in
Chickasha, OK
This weekend, both Cruise and Percy came away with
two points each towards their championship title.
November 10 through 13 - Ozark Kennel
Club shows in Springfield, MO
What a
GREAT weekend for Team Renaissance!!
On Thursday Ella, Renaissance Daddy's Golden
Girl went Winners Bitch.
Friday under Karen Wilson, Cruise,
Renaissance Night On Th' Town went Winners Dog/Best
of Winners and Ella, Renaissance Daddy's
Golden Girl went Winners Bitch. They both
earned MAJORS! Percy went Reserve WD and his
litter sister went Reserve WB.
On Saturday
at the Three Trails Vizsla Club our dogs rocked
Ella went Best in Sweepstakes and Percy
went BOS in Sweeps.
Under judge Keke Kahn, Percy went Winners Dog
and Best of Winners from the 6-9 month class to earn
his FIRST MAJOR!! Ella was RWB.
On Sunday,
Cruise went Winners Dog and Ella went Winners Bitch
and Best of Winners for her second major and NEW
CHAMPION title! Our 100TH CHAMPION!!!!!

October 20 through 23 - Belton, TX
goes Best of Breed from the classes!!! Go
Ella. She went on to win Winners Bitch one day
and is now....down to her majors!
October 15 and 16 - Tri Star KC of Williamson
County TN
goes WB/BOW both days and Envy WINS Best of Breed on
Saturday and BOS on Sunday.
October 7 through
9 -
Valley Cluster in Lincoln, NE
Red Run Here Comes The Sun Over Renaissance wins Winner Dog
and Best of Winners both days to earn his
CHAMPIONSHIP title! Ella, Renaissance Daddy's
Golden Girl goes Winners Bitch for her first point
and Envy wins the breed and takes a GROUP

2016 FALL
is on it's way.
September 16
through 18 -
Sporting Dog shows in Purina Farms, MO
Georgie, goes Winners Dog all three days to
pick up FIVE more points!! In just four
weekends, Georgie now has 13 points and both majors!
Renaissance Daddy's Golden Girl went Winners Bitch
Friday and Saturday, then on Sunday, Ella went
WB/BOW AND BOS for 2 points. Congrats to
owner Jenny LaFord!
September 3
and 4 -
Kennel Club shows in Purina Farms, MO
Georgie, goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners
for two more points.
Renaissance Daddy's Golden Girl debuted going
Reserve Winners Bitch.

2016 The
Summer HEATS UP!!
August 25
thru 28 -
Capital City Cluster in Topeka, KS
SUNDAY, Georgie goes Winners Dog and Best of
Winners for his second major!
SATURDAY, Georgie,
Red Run Here Comes The Sun Over Renaissance goes Winners
Dog and Best of
Winners for his FIRST Major...wahoooo.
August 19 through 22 - Heart of America cluster in Kansas
City, MO
goes Winners Dog and Best of Winners for his second
major and NEW CHAMPION title!!!
August 4 through August
7 -
Louisiana Vizsla Specialty
weekend in Kenner, LA
at the Louisiana Vizsla Club Specialty, Koda
received an Award of Merit!
Koda was
Select Dog!
at the first Specialty Koda, GCH Renaissance Th'
Dance Goes On goes
Best in Sweepstakes and then Select Dog at the

2016 ...Happy
4th of July!
through 10 - Lone Star State Classic in Dallas, TX
celebrated the 4th of July in style by picking up
BOTH his majors going Best of Winners on Saturday
and Sunday. YAY Rafa!

2016 Summer
June 28 and Jul 3 - Summer Classic Dog Shows in
Oklahoma City, OK
We had a good weekend at our local OKC cluster.
The newest addition to our show string, Koda,
CH Renaissance Th' Dance Goes On WINS the
SPORTING GROUP under judge Janys Denson!!
Rafa, Bitcon Card Tricks For Cooley went Best of Winners
on Friday and Sunday for 5 more points.
through 12
- Woofstock Dog Shows in Vallejo, CA
Congratulations to the
Tambo son
Remi, Golden Empire's Double Action Remington on
winning BEST of BREED from the classes to finish his
CHAMPIONSHIP title!! Congrats to owner/handler
Sarah Johnson.
June 3
and 4 - Missouri Rhineland Kennel Club Shows in Grey
Summit, MO
Envy WINS Best
of Breed both days to earn her GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP
title!!!! YAY!! So proud of her!

Happy Mother's Day!
May 28
and 29 - Key City Kennel Club in St. Peter, MN
goes BEST of BREED on Saturday under Mrs. Pat
Trotter and Best of Opposite Sex on Sunday under Mr.
Charles Olvis. WOW....what a weekend! I
am so proud of baby Koda...he just turned one year
May 27 -
Twin Cities Vizsla Club Specialty in St. Peter, MN
goes Select Bitch at the specialty under judge
Mr. Bob G. Smith.
May 21
through 23 - Abilene Kennel Club in Abilene, TX
Envy WINS Best
of Breed two of the three days for a few more GCH
points. YAY!!
Renaissance Hollyrock Scandal goes Winners Bitch
under judge Dana Massey for another point towards
her championship! Congrats to owner Donna
May 15
- Denton Kennel Club in Denton, TX
Envy goes BEST of
BREED on Sunday and takes a Group FOUR under judge
Vicki Abbott!!
May 8 and 9
- Sunflower Kennel Club in Topeka, KS
Smooch goes
Select on Sunday and Koda goes Winners Dog on Monday
to become a NEW CHAMPION!!!! i AM SO EXCITED
about Koda!!

And WHAT a
WEEK it was!!!!!
May 3 - Vizsla Futurity/Maturity (judge Mrs.
Linda Kelly)
Renaissance Th' Dance Goes On, GRAND FUTURITY WINNER
Envy, CH Renaissance Pardon Me I'm
3rd, 15 - 18
4 - VCA National Specialty Sweepstakes (judge Mrs.
Sherry L. Anderson)
Renaissance Th' Dance Goes On,
Remy, CH Renaissance Sheza Pistol Purrfect,
15 - 18 month bitches
Envy, CH Renaissance Pardon Me I'm Purrfect, 4th, 15
- 18 month bitches
May 5
and 6 - VCA National Specialty Regular Classes
(judge Ms. Pluis Davern)
Renaissance Th' Dance Goes On,
1st, 9 -
12 month dogs
Cruise, Renaissance Night On Th' Town, 1st,
America-bred dog
Flirt, BIS BISS GCH Renaissance Girls Gone Wild JH,
3rd Veteran Dog, 8 - 10 Years
Shiner, Renaissance Nothin Finer Shiner, 3rd Veteran Dog,
10 - 12 Years
Envy, CH Renaissance
Pardon Me I'm Purrfect, Award of
Sugar, CH Stormwinds Kizmar Lips Like Sugar -
made all the cuts to the finals!
May 7
- VCA Regional Specialty (judge Mrs. Marge
GCH Renaissance XXX's And OOO's,
Award of Merit

APRIL 2016 Redbuds are bloomin' in
April 30
and May 1
- Heart of Iowa Kennel Club in Marshalltown, IA
Renaissance XXX's And OOO's, goes Best
of Breed and takes a GROUP THREE!!!
In Mexico
Renaissance Night On Th' Town wins the breed all
four days at Puebla and comes home with 4 Puppy
Groups One's, an Adult Group Two, 2 Adult Group
Threes, and a Group Four! Congrats to owner Sebastian
April 2
and 3 - Iron Dog Cluster in Claremore, OK
GREAT WEEKEND for Team Renaissance!
Saturday, April 2- Koda wins BEST of
BREED over a special from the classes! Later
that day, Koda wins his first PUPPY BEST IN SHOW!!
Sunday, April 3- Koda wins BEST of
BREED again and then earns a GROUP FOUR
under judge Dr. Anthony DiNardo. Yahooooo!!
Broke my
foot.......thanks Koda!

In like a LION!
March 12 and 15 - Kansas Cluster in Kansas City, MO
had a GREAT weekend at the shows going WD/BOB over
specials on
Friday (Paula Nykiel) and Envy won the breed on
Sunday! Yahoooooo.....and
thank you to his handler Tiffany Knox!
March 2 and 3 - Gateway Vizsla Club Specialty
weekend at Purina Farms, MO
Specialty #1 - Koda, Renaissance
Th' Dance Goes On, went Best Puppy in
Sweepstakes and Best of Winners under judge Linda
Robey. Smooch was Select Bitch.
Specialty #2 - Curtis, Renaissance Bedrock
Stoney Curits went Best Of Winners for his first
major, FIVE points! Smooch was Select Bitch.
Bodi, Renaissance Bring On Th' Girls went
Winners Dog for his first major, FIVE POINTS!!

Happy Valentine's Day!
February 11 through 13 - Rocky Mountain Cluster in
Denver, CO
Saturday at the Colorado KC show and Rocky Mtn
Vizsla Club specialty, Koda was Best in
Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog. Smooch
was Best of Opposite Sex. So proud of the
kids! Always wanted to go to the Denver shows
in February and this year....it was worth the trip!
On Friday at
the Plum Creek KC show, Koda went Reserve
Winners Dog and Best Puppy. Smooch was
Best of Opposite Sex.
On Thursday at
the Mile High Sporting Dog Fanciers show, Koda
(Renaissance Th' Dance Goes On) made his show
ring debut at 8 months of age! Just like
his sire Konner, Koda went Winners Dog and Best of
Winners for his first major at his first show.
YAY!! So proud of this young boy.
Smooch opened the year going Best of Opposite
February 6 and 7 - Sun Maid Kennel Club in Fresno,
Saturday, the Tambo x Quinn (Konner daughter) had a
successful weekend! Remy, Golden Empire's
Double Action Remington went Winners Dog, Best of
Winners, and Best of Breed for 2 points. WOW!
His littermate Keno, Golden Empires Breaking The
Bank went Reserve. Not to be outdone by the
boys, the littersister Brooke, Golden Empire's Ain't
Life A Brooke went Winners Bitch and Best of
Opposite Sex for 1 point. It was a family
affair. Congrats to breeders Shelley Coburn
and Melody Daggs!
On Sunday....it
was a repeat only this time Remy added a Group FOUR
from the classes!! AWESOME!!!
At the St.
Joseph Kennel Club show in St. Joseph, MO
Stormy and Taylor Scott lit it up in St. Joe winning
Best Junior Handler BOTH DAYS!! So proud of
this young team!

Happy New Year!
January 30 and 31 - St Charles Mo Kennel Club
Saturday, Curtis, Renaissance Bedrock Stoney
Curtis (from the Flintstone litter) goes Reserve
Winners Dog under James Reynolds. On Sunday,
Curtis went Winners Dog and Best of Winners
under Barbara Dempsey Alderman for 2 more
points. Yabba Dabba Doooo....!
And on Saturday,
Konner's daughter Red Run Paperback Writer
gets the nod for Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite
Sex for 2 points as well!
January 23 and 24
In Mexico at the 2015 Dog Of The Year Awards
Saturday, Cruise is awarded the TOP HONORS in Mexico
by being named the Gundog Of The Year in ALL
THREE age divisions - Puppy, Junior, and Adult.
Congratulations to owner Sebastian Duran!!
In Ventura at the Ventura Kennel Club shows
wins BEST OF BREED both days!!! YEAH!
January 8 through 10 - South Coast Vizsla Specialty
weekend in Indio, CA
Tambo's son
Keno, Golden Empires Breaking The Bank, goes
Best Puppy in Sweepstakes at the Southern
California Sporting Dog Fanciers. On Saturday,
at the South Coast Vizsla Club Specialty, Keno
goes Winners Dog, Best of Winners, AND Best
Owner Handled Breed, all at 8 months of age.
Sunday, Keno goes Reserve Winners Dog!!
Congratulations to owners Shelley Coburn and
Melody Daggs.

[Our Story]
[Breeding Goals]
Dogs] [Puppies]
[Reference Sires]
[Field and Feather]
[What’s New]
[Rainbow Bridge]