...in 2014
of 31 Dec 2014, Smooch is the #7 Vizsla,
All-Breed, #12 Breed
Konner - A TOP PRODUCING SIRE in 2012
Flirt - #1 TOP PRODUCING DAM in 2012
2014 Merry
a wonderful year 2014 was at Renaissance Vizslas. We would
first like to thank all our puppy buyers who provide
such loving homes for our puppies. We enjoy hearing
from you throughout the year so keep those cards and
photos coming!
We would also like
to congratulate all those who competed with their
dogs in 2014. Congratulations to NEW Title
Holders -
CH Renaissance XXXs And OOOs - Smooch
Renaissance She Talks To Angels - Lyric
CH Renaissance Blue Moon On Ice - Ice
NEW GCH Renaissance Sheza Panther Diva -
NEW BISS - Am/Can GCH Renaissance Kiss's
Casanova JH - Mojo
GCH Renaissance Never A Dull Moment -
Kaos - NEW Barn Hunt title
NEW Brazilian and
PanAmerican CH - Am/Can/Intl CH
Renaissance Out With
Th' Ladies - Falco
BISS GCH/Can Ch Renaissance Kiss Me If You Dare BN
- NEW Novice Rally and Beginner
December 13 - Eukauba National Championship
GCH Renaissance XXX's and OOO's, finishes the year
going Select Bitch at Eukanuba in Orlando, FL.
December 5 through 7 - Lone Star State Classic in
Dallas, TX
GCH Renaissance XXX's and OOO's,
Best of Breed all three days. Way to go
December 5 through 8 - Shoreline Dog Fanciers
cluster in Costa Mesa, CA
Tambo, CH
Renaissance Tampopata The Lionhearted wins the breed
both Saturday and Sunday to earn his 2nd and 3rd GCH
major!! WAHOOO....so proud of you and
congratulations to owners Roger and Jean Heilman and
handler Mark Goodwein!

2014 Turkey
November 14 through 15 - Oklahoma Circuit in
Chickasha, OK
This weekend, it was Journey's time to debut in the
BBE class. He went Winners Dog, Best of
Winners, and Best of Opp Sex for his first point.
What a good boy! Sable competed in the
4-6 month puppy class and took a nice Group Three.
So happy with this promising young puppies!
Sunday.........IT SNOWED!!!
November 7 and 8 - Ozark Kennel
Club shows in Springfield, MO
What a
GREAT weekend for Team Renaissance!!
On Saturday, Bodi, Renaissance Bring On Th'
Girls went Winners Dog for his first point.
London, Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin, was
Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for her first
major. Spirit, Renaissance Red Run
Spirit Of Th' Dance was Reserve WB to the major at
her first show!! The cherry on the cake was
Sable, Renaissance Walking Th' Red Carpet was
On Sunday,
Bodi did it again going WD for his second point.
Congrats to owner/handler Michelle Ptak.
Konner's daughter Sugar, Storm Winds Kizmar Lips
Like Sugar was WB/BOW for her first major at just 6
months of age! WOW!!
I was so proud of
all the kids....we had a BLAST!!
Am/Can/Intl CH Renaissance Out With Th' Ladies,
takes a Group ONE and TWO in tough competition to
earn his Brazilian and Panamerican titles.
WOW! You ROCK Falco!! And more good
news....Falco is going to be a daddy! Puppies
due at Christmas! Congrats to owner Haroldo Vieira and
handler Celso Schneider for another successful
weekend for Falco!
November 1 and 2 - Route 66 Circuit in Joplin, MO
GCH Renaissance XXX's and OOO's,
wins Best of Breed
both days and then WINS BACK-to-BACK Sporting Groups
under Marjorie Martorella and James Fehring. Wahooo!!! Our
Konner daughter Sugar, Stormwinds Kizmar Lips Like
Sugar, goes Winners Bitch both days
from the 6 - 9 month class for her first two points towards her championship.
GOOD NEWS....just in from the San
Gabriel/Antelope Valley Kennel club shows.
Tambo, CH
Renaissance Tampopata The Lionhearted wins the breed
both Saturday and Sunday to earn his 2nd and 3rd GCH
major!! WAHOOO....so proud of you and
congratulations to owners Roger and Jean Heilman and
handler Mark Goodwein!

Tambo, CH Renaissance Tambopata The Lionhearted
Not to stop
there with the good news....Tambo's sister Ms Rou,
GCH Renaissance Sheza Panther Diva, whelps her
litter right on time. She is the proud momma
to 2 boys and 6 girls! Good job papa Konner!!!

In BRAZIL.....
Am/Can/Intl CH Renaissance Out With Th' Ladies, wins
Best of Breed both days beating the #1 Vizsla in
Brazil and then went on to a nice Group Third.
YEAH!! Congrats to owner Haroldo Vieira and
handler Celso Schneider for Falco's successful
October 24 - Konner is a NEW daddy!
CONGRATULATIONS to Susan Nakamura, Suzu Vizslas, and
GCh Briar N Suzu Hey You! Get Off Of
My Cloud CGC on the arrival of the
"DANCERS"......6 boys and 3 girls. We are so
excited about this litter and look forward to
watching them grow up!! Begin the

GCh Briar N Suzu Hey You! Get Off Of
My Cloud CGC
October 11 and 12 - Tyler Texas Kennel Club in
Canton, TX
GCh Renaissance XXX's and OOO's, wins the breed both
days and takes BACK-to-BACK Group Twos!
Thank you Tiffany.
October 11 - Jayhawk Kennel Club in
Lawrence, KS
Renaissance Bring On Th' Girls debuts in the
Beginner Puppy class and WINS the Puppy Sporting
Group. Way to go Bodi and congrats to owner
Michelle Ptak! So glad he had a BLAST!!
October 2 through 5 -
Valley Cluster in Lincoln, NE
GCh Renaissance XXX's and OOO's, wins the breed
under William Russell Jr and Jon Cole and makes a
cut in the group!

2014 FALL
is on it's way.
September 27
and 28 -
Springs Kennel Club in Hot Springs, AR
GCh Renaissance XXX's and OOO's, goes Best of Breed
both days and takes a nice Group Three on Saturday
under judge Anne Savory Bolus. What a thrill and thank
you to her handler, Tiffany Knox!

Summer HEATS UP!!

Am/Can/Intl Ch Renaissance Out With Th' Ladies -
Congratulations to Haroldo Vieira from Brazil on the
recent acquisition of Falco!
Falco, you have accomplished so much in N. America
and we are so proud of you. You are a true
ambassador of the breed and we are excited about
your future in S. America. You were my dream
and now you have allowed my dreams to soar beyond my
imaginings. I love you, i miss you, and I wish
you much success and happiness in your new home!
Sound Vizsla Specialty in Enumclaw, WA
- I had a wonderful time at the PSVC Specialty
judging the Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes.
Thank you to the club for the honor of judging!
Mt. Rainer Sporting Group show in Enumclaw, WA
Mojo, GCH CH Renaissance Kiss's Casanova JH
goes Best of Opposite Sex!! Congrats to owner/handler
Greg Dutson!
Capital City cluster in Topeka, KS
Lyric, Renaissance
She Talks To Angel, went Winners Bitch two of the
three days for both her
majors. YEAH Lyric! Congratulations to
owners Russell and Robin Collins.
Stueben Kennel Club in Canfield, OH
Renaissance Blue Moon On Ice earns his CHAMPIONSHIP
title under Clay Cody on Saturday and goes Best of
Breed his first time in the ring as a special to
earn his first GCH major. WAHOOO!!!
Congratulations to owner Susan Barrow and your NEW

Ch Renaissance Blue Moon
Best of Breed and NEW Champion!

2014 ...Happy
4th of July!
July 25
through 27 - In CANADA at the Prince George Kennel
Club shows
BISS GCH/Intl CH Renaissance Kiss's Casanova JH
earns his CANADIAN championship and not only wins
the Sporting Group but goes on to Reserve BEST IN
SHOW! Congratulations to owner/handlers Greg
and Dennise Dutson. Mojo's got it going on!!
July 17
through 20 - World Series of Dog Shows at Reliant
Center in Houston, TX
Renaissance Blue Moon On Ice had a good showing at
Reliant going Winners Dog for his second major under judge
Clay Coady, and going Reserve Winners Dog on Friday
and Sunday. He is on a roll picking up 10
points in just a few weeks. Congratulations to
Ice and his owner Susan Barrow!
July 10
through 13 - River City Cluster of Dog Shows in San
Antonio, TX
It was a
FANTASTIC weekend for TEAM Renaissance.
SUNDAY, under judge
Pat Trotter Ice
was Reserve Winners Dog and Smooch WON the breed!! She always looks GORGEOUS in the ring
with Tiffany and I am so happy with her.
Smooch won the breed under Gloria Geringer.
under judge Ron Spritzer, Ice was Winners Dog and Best of Winners
againe for more points. Razz was Select
Dog and Smooch was Select Bitch.
under judge Bonnie L. Clark, Ice went
Winners Dog and Best of Winners. Smooch was Select
Bitch. Wahooo!!!
Razz, GCH
Renaissance Wild Card wins Best of Opposite Sex! Congrats to Anne Desbon.
through 6 - Lone Star State Classic in Dallas, TX
celebrated the 4th of July in style by picking up
three more points toward his CH title. YAY

2014 Summer
is HERE!!
June 25 and 29 - Summer Classic Dog Shows in
Oklahoma City, OK
We had a good weekend at our local OKC cluster.
The newest addition to our show string, Ice,
Renaissance Blue Moon On Ice went Best of Winners
four days for four more points towards his
championship. He had fun in the ring!
Lyric, Renaissance She Talks To Angels went Winners
Bitch or Reserve WB each time she was in the ring
for 2 more points. Go job Lyric!!
Smooch won Best of Breed two days as well. Go
Team Renaissance!
June 28 -
Trails End Vizsla Club Specialty in Bend, OR
Congratulations to our newest SPECIALTY winner......BISS
GCH Renaissance Kiss's Casanova JH and his owners
Greg and Dennise Dutson on Mojo's BISS WIN! So
excited for you and Mojo and congrats to Dennise who
escorted Mojo to his victory!
June 22 - Canby, OR
CONGRATULATIONS to Coupe, Renaissance Four On The
Floor, who went Winners Dog and Best of Winners
14 and 15 - Crawfish Cluster in Texarkana, AR
FABULOUS weekend for the Renaissance family!
Brick, Renaissance Hittin' The Bricks went Winners
Dog and Best of Winners both days. His cousin
Lyric, Renaissance She Talks To Angels goes Winners
Bitch both days as well. And Miss
Smooch...outdid them all winning Best of Breed both
days and then she went on to WON the Sporting Group
under judge Mrs. Pat Trotter!!! WAHOOOO!!!
through 8
- What a FABULOUS weekend for the Konner kids at the Woofstock Dog Shows in Vallejo, CA!!!
Congratulations to Konner's NEWEST CHAMPIONS out of
Eleanor, CH Baroque Abbey Road's Eleanor Rigby.
CH Baroque Abbey Road's Penny Lane was BOW under
Linda Clark to finish her title.
Her littermate brother
CH Baroque's Dances With Feelings, was Best Puppy in
Sweepstakes and Best Puppy at the Specialty.
Sunday he was BOW to finish his title as well. Congrats to owner/breeders Greg and Dennise Dutson. So proud of these Konner kids!
Congratulations are in order for Konner's daugher
GCH Boulder-N-Salti's Perpetual Motion NAJ TD on her NEW
BEST IN SPECIALTY win, completely owner
handled by Sheryl Hoyle.
June 1
and 2
Gateway Sporting Dog Assn. in Gray Summit, MO
Ch Renaissance XXX's And Ooo's, had a GREAT weekend
of shows winning the breed two of the four days AND
Select Bitch the other two days. She's is
doing GREAT and we are so proud of her. YEAH!!!

Happy Mother's Day!
May 24 and 25 - Memorial Day circuit in Tulsa,
was Best of Breed on Saturday and took a Group Four
in stiff competition! You are doing so good
Smooch and you're still just a baby!! We're so
proud of you!!!
May 24 and 25
- IABCA International Dog Show -
Sooner Sieger - Oklahoma City, OK
attended his first International show here in
Oklahoma City. He was judged at three
different shows under three different judges from the
USA, Canada, and Germany. We had a GREAT time
and saw a LOT of rare breeds that are not yet
accepted at AKC shows. When it was all over,
Falco earned his International
title. He also took a Group Two at all three
of the shows. It was FUN!

Am/Can/Intl Ch Renaissance Out With Th' Ladies -
May 10 and 11 - Show-Me Vizsla Club Specialty
London WINS Best
Puppy in Sweepstakes, Lyric went Winners Bitch and
Smooch was Select Bitch!
It was a GOOD DAY at the dog show.
On Sunday, Lyric was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners,
Falco was Best of Opposite and Smooch was Select
May 3 and
- Spirit of the Heartland cluster in Gray Summit, MO
Smooch goes Best of Opposite Sex and BEST of
BREED on Sunday for her first GRAND CH major win!!

And WHAT a
WEEK it was!!!!!
Every dog we
showed.....brought home a ribbon!
28 - VCA Regional Specialty (judge Mrs. Joan Savage)
Renaissance Four On The Floor,
2nd, 9
- 12 month dogs
London, Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin, 1st,
9 - 12 month bitches
Rou, GCH Renaissance Sheza Panther Diva, Award of
Konner, GCH Renaissance Lord Of Th' Dance SH VC,
Award of Merit
28 - Vizsla Futurity/Maturity (judge Mrs. Carol
CH Renaissance Xxx's And Ooo's, Best Futurity Junior
Falco, CH Renaissance Out With Th' Ladies,
Maturity - dogs over 30 months
29 - VCA National Specialty Sweepstakes (judge Dr.
Trevor Brown)
Renaissance Four On The Floor,
9 - 12 month dogs
London, Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin, 2nd,
9 - 12 month bitches
Smooch, CH Renaissance Xxx's And Ooo's, 1st, 12
- 15 month bitches
Konner, GCH Renaissance Lord Of Th' Dance SH VC,
Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes
30 and May 1 - VCA National Specialty Regular
Classes (judge Carl Liepmann)
Coupe, Renaissance Four On The Floor, 3rd, 9 -
12 month dogs
London, Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin, 1st,
9 - 12 month bitches
Smooch, CH Renaissance Xxx's And Ooo's, 1st, 12
- 15 month bitches
Konner, GCH Renaissance Lord Of Th' Dance SH VC,
1st Veteran Dog, 10 - 12 Years
Smooch, CH Renaissance Xxx's And Ooo's, Award of
Tambo, CH Renaissance Tambopata The Lion Hearted -
made all the cuts to the finals!
I was
THRILLED and honored to be selected as one of the
2014 VCA All Star Review judges. What a

APRIL 2014 Redbuds are bloomin' in
April 18 through 21 - What a Weekend!!
Shreveport and D'Arbonne Kennel Club shows in
Shreveport, LA
wins Winners Bitch the first three days and
singles out. YEAH!! Miss
wins Best of Breed the first day and takes a
Group FOUR under Judge Mrs. Anne Katona.
Saturday, under Debbie Campbell, Smooch wins the
breed and makes a cut in the group. GO
Renaissance Dog Association
in British Columbia, Canada
does GREAT in Canada and finishes his CANADIAN
championship title!!
Thank YOU Lindsey Fields!!
April 10 thru 13
Dog Iron Cluster in Grove, OK
wins Winners Bitch all four days and Smooch
WINS the breed two days and Select two days.
Heiderst Captain America (AI) WINS Puppy BEST IN
SHOW!!! Congratulations to
breeder/owner/handler, Liat O'Malley.
April 1
- Chintimini Kennel Club shows in Albany, OR
Congratulations to Konner's youngest kids out of
Eleanor, CH Baroque Abbey Road's Eleanor Rigby.
Baroque Abbey Road's Penny Lane was BOW, BOW for her
second major then went on to take a Puppy Group 2!
Her littermate brother
Baroque's Dances With Feelings, was WD and BBE Group
Two. Congrats to owner/breeders Greg and
Dennise Dutson. So proud of these Konner kids!
Congratulations are in order for Konner's son
CH Boulder-N-Salti's Once In A Blue Moon JH OA OAJ
on his NEW GRAND CHAMPION title, completely owner
handled by Susan Barrow.
And BIG congrats to Kirsten Davis and Bev Wanjon on
their Konner son
Russet Leather Storm Winds Lightening Strikes, Best
of Breed win from the classes. AWESOME!!
He went Winners Dog on Sunday as well.
TOTALLY THRILLED for the Konner kids!!!!

Is it SPRING yet!
March 22 and 23 - Fort Worth cluster in Fort Worth,
, Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin, goes Winners
Bitch both days for her first two points. She
is on her way!
March 13 thru 16 - Heart of America cluster in Kansas City, MO
Smooch, wins Winners Bitch to finish her
CHAMPIONSHIP title!!! We are so THRILLED with
March 6 thru 9 - Rose cluster at San Antonio, TX
Smooch, wins Winners Bitch Thursday and
Friday...sits out on Saturday and on Sunday, she
goes Best of Winners and was considered for the
breed. We are so proud of you Smooch!
son WINS the group in Romania!

Hubertus Indy at Tina Trading
Black Sea
Group Winner

Happy Valentine's Day!
28 - Gateway Vizsla Club Specialty
weekend at Purina Farms, MO
Specialty #1 - Smooch, Renaissance
Xxx's And Ooo's , went Best Puppy in
Specialty #2 - Smooch, Renaissance
Xxx's And Ooo's, went Best Of Opposite Sex Puppy in
Sweepstakes and Reserve Winners Bitch!
earned an Award of Merit.
February 23 - Mid-Del-Tinker Kennel Club in Midwest
City, OK
BISS CH Renaissance Step Aside Boys, at nearly 12
years of age, earns her Canine Good Citizen title.
YEAH Faith....we both has a great time and she was
ready to strut her stuff in the ring, one more time!
You ROCK Faith!
February 20 thru 23 - International Kennel Club
shows in Chicago, IL
Renaissance It's Raining Men JH,
goes Best of Opposite Sex at the shows in Chicago.
February 21 thru 24 - Trails End Vizsla Club
show weekend in Albany, OR
Coupe, Renaissance Four On The Floor, went
Winners Dog on Friday for a single, then on Saturday
at the specialty, he went Winners Dog for a 4 POINT MAJOR!
On Sunday, he went Winners Dog and Best of Winners
for his SECOND MAJOR! WOW...9 points, both
majors and he's just 8 months old! GO COUPE!
Congratulations to owner/co-breeder Jenny

Coupe, Renaissance Four On The Floor
Konner's son Reese, Baroque's bred by Greg
and Dennise Dutson (Konner x Eleanor) went Winners
Dog and Best of Winners early Saturday morning under
judge Mr James Brown. His sister Penny,
went Best in Sweepstakes at the specialty and then
on Sunday, she was Winners Bitch for her first
major. She didn't stop there as she was Best
Bred-by Exhibitor and later WON the BBE Best In Show. You go girl!!!
We are SO PROUD of the kids and congratulations to
their owners!
February 15 and 16 - Kennel Club in Camden, AR
Stormy wins the breed both days and makes the
cut in the group on Saturday.
February 13 through 16 - Kennel Club in
Denver, CO
Konner's son Dulce (Boulder's N Salti's El Duque
Dolce AX AJ OF CGC), out of the lovely Cassie (Ch
Boulder's Cassiopeia Rising JH RE) earned his first
major Thursday, going BOW at the Mile High Sporting
Dog Fanciers show under judge Mr. David Flanagan.
At the Plum Creek Kennel Club show in Friday, Dulce
again went Best of Winners under judge Dr. Klaus
Anselm. We are thrilled
and congratulations to his owners.
February 1
and 2 - Sweetheart Cluster in Pine Bluff, AR
was blowing kisses at the "Sweetheart" cluster and
judge Mrs. Gloria Geringer was smitten awarding her
TWO in a very impressive sporting group!
Thank you judge and thank you Tiffany Knox!
She's not even one year old! Hugs and kisses Smoochers!

Happy New Year!
January 25
and 26 - Missouri Kennel Club shows in Lake St.
Charles, MO
first weekend out in 2014 and Stormy goes Best of
Breed and went on
to a
placement under judge Roger Hartinger.
January 18 and 19 - Whatta Weekend for RENAISSANCE!!
4 Squares Fun Match in Moore, OK
We had
a great time at our local fun match with Fanny,
London, and Noble. This was
first time at any kind of dog show and she had a
great time. Well........OK, so she was a
naughty puppy but she's just 7 months old! Not
only did she have a great time, she WON BEST PUPPY
in MATCH!!! Go London!

Renaissance Let Th' Games Begin
Central Iowa Kennel Club in Des Moines, IA
Renaissance Xxx's And Ooo's, went BEST of
BREED from the puppy class and then went on
to a
placement under judge Clay Coady. We are over
the moon with this promising, young pup. On
Sunday uner Susan St. John Brown,
went Winners Bitch! YAHOOOO.....what a great
weekend for Smooch and handler Tiffany Knox!
City Classic in Portland, OR
Congratulations again to the Konner son
Jaseni's Dempsey KC who went Winners Dog two of the
four days at the Rose City Classic and he's just
seven months old! GO Dempsey!
GCH Renaissance Kiss's Casanova JH was Select Dog 2
of the 4 days and went Best of Opp Sex on Sunday. Congrats to
owner/handlers Greg and Dennise Dutson.
January 11 through 13 - KONNER Kids do GREAT!
Puyallup Kennel Club in Puyallup, WA
CONGRATULATIONS to the Konner son
Jaseni's Dempsey KC out of GCh Jaseni's Jasmine on
his debut in the showring. Under the guidance
of his breeder and co-owner Sue Muir, Hatchi went
Winners Dog and BEST of WINNERS from the Bred-by
class for his FIRST MAJOR, and he's just a baby
puppy!!! On Monday, he went Winners Dog again
for two more points. What a GREAT way to start
your show career!! Congrats to owners Derek
Crump and Sue Muir!
Kennel Club in Oshkosh, Wisconsin
CONGRATULATIONS to Kirsten Davis, Storm
Winds Vizslas, on her Konner daughter
Storm Winds Kora Bella,
out of Ch Storm Winds Ayenwatha who went Winners
Bitch/Best of Opposite Sex her first weekend out for her first two
points. How EXCITING!! Watch for her
Sparks, Russet Leather Storm Winds Lightening
Strikes in Southern California owned by Bev Wanjon
and Kirsten Davis. Sparks went
Reserve Winners Dog at the Southern California Vizsla Specialty at Palm Springs, CA
the first weekend of January.
We are so excited about these promising young Konner
January 4 and 5 - ASCA Agility Trial
earned both his Novice and Standard Jumpers title.
GO BONGO and congratulations to owner/handler
Bridget Davis.

We are SO
VERY PROUD of all our dogs and CONGRATS to all their
What a
FANTASTIC year 2013 was for TEAM Renaissance.
We would first like to thank all our buyers who provide
such loving homes for our puppies. We enjoy hearing
from you throughout the year so keep those cards and
photos coming!
We would also like
to congratulate all those who competed with their
dogs in 2013. This year was another successful
year for
Renaissance as TWELVE dogs that we bred
earned new titles including 4 Grand Champions.
Additionally, our bitch BIS BISS GCh Renaissance
Girls Gone Wild, is once again named to the Top Producer's List with
3 NEW Champions and 5 Grand Champions!
deepest congratulations to all the dogs and their
All this would not have
been possible without the dedication of all our
puppy buyers. We thank you all for making our
look forward to 2014 with MUCH
WHAT a ride!!

[Our Story]
[Breeding Goals]
Dogs] [Puppies]
[Reference Sires]
[Field and Feather]
[What’s New]
[Rainbow Bridge]