Kopertone Gold Empirs Legacy ROM
foundation of Renaissance
Date of Birth: 10 July 1993
Deceased: 3 July 2007
Hips: OFA VZ-4682E24F
Penn-HIP: LH/RH - n/a
Eyes: CERF VZ-244/98-58
DNA Profile # P54126
Owned by: Linda and George Durham

our dogs bring us GREAT joy, the reality is, great
sadness is also a part of living and loving. With
heavy hearts and an abundance of tears, George and I
had to say "good-bye" to our beautiful, beloved girl
Chelsea. She was 14 years old and the foundation of
Renaissance. Our constant companion, she slept every
night at the foot of our bed. I have so many
wonderful memories of that little PINK puppy with
the big ears that I will always treasure. We were
truly blessed when she came home with us. Now, she
will live forever in our hearts and in the lives of
her get and grandget. There will NEVER be another
Chelsea! We miss you terribly sweet girl!
VCA National Specialty
1st place Sweepstakes, Veteran Bitches, 8 - 10 years
Conformation: (first time in ring) 1994
Central California Vizsla Club Specialty Best of
Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes from the 6 - 9 month
puppy bitch class. Several Best of Opposite Sex
placements from the Open classes. Placed sixth in
the Open bitch class at the 1994 VCA National
Specialty from 32 regular class entries. Finished
her championship with a Best of Winners and Best of
Opposite Sex placement.
Chelsea is
a very classy, feminine bitch, extremely well
balanced and muscular, with an elegant head and
long, graceful neck. Very regal in her attitude and
mannerisms. Her movement is free flowing with
excellent reach and drive, a deep chest, nice
forechest and good bone. She has an excellent
temperament and a great personality.
Misc. She is a full sister to BISS CH
Koppertone Cariad Baratom, a multiple Best of Breed
and Group winning dog. He was named to the Top Ten
Show list for two years placing #6 in 1995 and #10
in 1997. Her maternal half brother, BISS CH
Koppertone Magyar Buske CD, was named 1995 VCA
National Specialty Best of Opposite Sex. He, too, is
a multiple Best of Breed and Group winning dog and
was named to the Top Ten Show list for two
consecutive years placing #8 in 1995 and #5 in 1996
before retiring.
Production Record: Chelsea has produced dogs
that have excelled in the breed ring, in the field
and in agility. To date she has produced six
Champions with another only four points away from
his title and three other get pointed. She has also
produced one Master Hunter, one Junior Hunter and
one Novice Agility dog with others competing for
their titles too. Chelsea earned her Register of
Merit award in the year 2000 and was also named as
one of the Top Producing Bitches for 2000. Yeah
Chelsea and thanks to all her kids that made it

...her champion
CH Renaissance's Roman Romeo JH OA
CH Renaissance Noble Talikser MH
CH Renaissance Bluebonnet Belle
CH Renaissance Secret Wishes
CH Renaissance Golden Legacy
CH Renaissance Gift Of Grace
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